Rhododendron ‘Gunrei’ • Azalea

Rhododendron • Rhododendron / Azalea •  シャクナゲ / ツツジ •  石楠花 / 躑躅 • shakunage / tsutsuji

As you walk up north on the East path you will pass 3 low growing azaleas in Area H, on the water side (W) of the path.  They bloom a bit later than the showy May azaleas, and their names are: rhodeodendron ‘Gunrei’, ‘Jindai’ and ‘T.J. Lovett’. This post is about the first of them, ‘Gunrei’, which didn’t show much flowers the day I looked, but found one to take a pic:


SJG • 6/20/12 – Along the W side of the East path, Area H, sit 3 low-growing azaleas: rhodeodendron ‘Gunrei’ (1st walking toward N), ‘Jindai’ (2nd) and ‘T.J. Lovett] (3rd)


SJG • 6/20/12 – Rhododendron ‘Gunrei’ • Azalea; flower, corolla light pink

From The Backyard GardenerRhododendron hybrida • (Gunrei Satsuki Azalea). This Japanese azalea is a hybridization between Rhododendron indcum and Rhododendron simsii and has a compact, low, spreading to rounded form that is twiggy and dense. Even the leaves are notably smaller, making it the wonderful bonzai plant that it was originally bred to be. Flowers reach 2 inches across, are pink and decorated with rose flecks. Flowers bloom in late spring and are large and showy. […]

And here is a link to Rare Find Nursery, with picture…

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